Arthur N. Gertler, M.D.   Holistic Health Care
Case Histories

Services: Chelation Therapy

Each year over 500,000 Americans die of atherosclerosis our nations number one killer.  Chelation therapy has been shown to reverse the symptoms of this disease and to correct the underlying cause of arterial blockage by using  intravenous infusions of EDTA, a synthetic amino acid, to remove toxic metals from the bloodstream  and restore circulation to all tissues of the body.  Over 1,000,000 treatments administered in the U.S. since the 1950’s have documented its safety and effectiveness, with large studies showing it to be 85% successful in patients for cardiovascular disease.  Chelation therapy has been shown to help:

·         heartattack

·         angina

·         stroke

·         poor circulation to extremeties

·         hypertension

·         exercise intolerance

·         elevated cholesterol

·         chronic fatigue

Chelation therapy is administered according to protocol as 20-30 weekly intravenous infusions each lasting 3 hours.  The program includes a comprehensive medical examination, lab tests, the use of vitamins and discussion of  stress reduction, lifestyle and dietary changes.

781.752.6378 phone
508.653.3283 fax

D'Arcy Clinic
63 South Main Street
Natick, MA 01760